
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Team Kyman!

I don't think anyone understands the seriousness of this situation. All I know right now is... That Kyle and Cartman love each other.

I mean, isn't it obvious!? They're TOTALLY in love! They're gay together and I KNOW it!

I've got a lot of evidence pointing towards them being gay or at least bi.

-He freaked out when Bebe kissed him and constantly stated that "girls were gross."
- Chef told the kids that someday they would get girlfriends and start to hang out with them instead of each other and the only one who disagreed was Kyle who stated "No way, dude! Girls are gross!"
-And, even though he's young, he should still be beginning to take an interest in girls. I mean, I know there was Rebecca but she broke his heart so, maybe that turned him off of girls all together?

Oh, do I really have to make this list? Just check out this video:

SEE!? It's totally true. They love each other. Kyle and Cartman are going to live (almost) happily ever after.

Okay, I know this has been a short, really forceful blog but I just really had to present this evidence. They're so cute and gay! Hah. Sorry for this. I'm just really Team Kyman. Seriously.

Happy Blogging!

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